on 28-02-2024 18:34
Having received notification that I owe O2 some money, I have tried unsuccessfully to get in touch time and time again and am thwarted at every turn. I cannot even speak to human being or send an email. You are running a deplorable service!! I DO NOT WANT TO COMMUNICTE WITH A RECORDED VOICE
I want some action very soon or I shall find another provider!!
on 28-02-2024 18:54
You can get in touch with Payment Management team on 0800 902 0217
Payment Management opening hours:
Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm
Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Sunday – 9am to 6pm
Guide: How to find help & contact O2
All ways to pay here Guide: How to Pay Your Bill (Airtime & Device Plans)
on 28-02-2024 18:55
on 28-02-2024 18:55
You need to give o2 a call on 0800 902 0217 that is your only option, and that means going through the IVR, there is no way round it.
There hasnt been email support for the last decade or so...
If you want to cancel then follow this guide Guide: Cancelling Your Contract
on 28-02-2024 20:10
Good luck with whichever network you choose @UNSATISFIED