Hello, I'm thinking of changing one of my numbers from O2 PAYG to Tesco Mobile which is also PAYG. (Don't worry - my other phone is still with O2!) I just want to know if my PAYG phone credit is transferred across with it? If not, what should I do wi...
Hello I have activated the Amazon Prime subscription which is now live Am I able to use two Logins because I also use another Amazon Prime Login too that belongs to my son ?
My bill has been paid in full yet I do not have any network access, no data, no facility to send texts or make outgoing calls. If I try to make a call it directs me to a payment line where I get told to make a payment for 0.00. This call then hangs u...
Hi I’d like help to be able to use the access for all part of my 02. I would prefer it if I only had to speak via live chat (which is never available) or private message as I find it difficult to speak over the phone due to my mental health issues.
Hi Hoping someone can help me as I'm getting nowhere with O2. Joined on 7 March 2025 as a PAYG customer on a rolling plan, activated My O2 and sim and could see my data allowance, plan details etc in the app. I then ported my existing number over to ...
I have x3 mobile phone contracts set-up with O2 business for 6 months now and one of the contracts currently is not being used. When i took the contract out i expressed that i wanted to move over a o2 personal contract in a few months time and i was ...