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Current switch up process

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currently considering switching up to the new Fold 6 from the ultra 24 and wondered what the process is like now ?


do you still need to pay an inital payment  upfront ? can you use codes on the switch up to lower the tariff and is it all still done in store rather than online ?



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Yes you can apply for that once you have the phone and within 28 days, I do this everytime I switch up slight_smile Just check the device is not in the excluded list via 

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All done instore so they can check your existing phone.

Other info here Guide: Introducing O2 Switch Up. Swap phones whenever you want! 

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Message 2 of 11

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thanks for you reply 


I think the FAQ link is out of date it still mentions the bolt on which i think no longer exists


i also didn't see anything about an initial payment i think when it was a pre order its  refundable 50 quid but when i last switched up the store wanted a non refundable 30 quid payment for some reason even though it wasn't a pre order the phone was already launched. I queried it but they said it was a standard for all orders. Only to find out later other people hadn't had to pay.


Can anyone whose done a switch up recently add anything ? thanks 

Message 3 of 11

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The wife did one the other week Samsung to iPhone 15 and wasnt charged an upfront fee, but if they order a phone in for you the store can charge a fee which then comes off your bill, this is to make sure you come back for the phone, as you would be surprised at how many people order a phone then forget about it or change there mind. 


The store since the beginning of Switch Up have charged a refundable deposit of £50 and actually before that as well. 

Just be aware they are getting more keen on checking the devices and getting any accounts removed and for you to confirm this has been done. 


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The last device i switched up was delivered to my house it wasn't delivered to the store and they charged me 30 quid it irked because others mentioned they hadn't had to do that i'll be going back to that store again  so i wondered if it was still happening.i also lost out on on the free 6 months sub because the person didn't click a box. 


You mentioned a refundable 50 quid i didn't have to pay that at all but how is it refunded ? thanks for your reply much appreciated 

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On a preorder it was refunded back to my card when I picked up the phone, that was when I preordered a Pixel Fold last year. 

The problem is some stores will have different policies dependent on how often pre-orders are not collected, and if the device even on an upgrade has an upfront cost, so it could be correct.. 

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I think they need to be more clear about what the upfront cost is for they can't have each store having their own charge and not explain it i could understand if it had been delivered to the store but i never had any further contact from the store after my initial visit. 


If they insist then i'll acquiesce its not a deal breaker it just felt like an upsell strategy along with loss of the free gift 6 months etc it just irked alittle. i do also have a 15% discount code through work for the tarriff but i'm not sure if they will agree to that. 


Ok thanks again for your detailed reply you guys make this forum and your always knowledgable i do hope o2 at least does something to say thank you for all the questions you answer over the  year. 



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You point about the discount @gadget might be addressed herein :-


Guide: O2 Open & Friends and Family discounts - How to sign up 



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Yes you can apply for that once you have the phone and within 28 days, I do this everytime I switch up slight_smile Just check the device is not in the excluded list via 

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Message 9 of 11

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Just for anyone else who was wondering 


i went to switch up today i went to my usual o2 store near work but it had closed 

so i went to the one near home instead 


I was told the closed o2 store had been a franchise and o2 were bringing the profitable ones in house and disgarding the less profitable ones i was also told other things about the store which didn't suprise me after my experience last time. 


Todays switch up went smoothly no excessive charges the phone was in stock and i was able to take it home with me. I was glad i had backed up my ultra 24 and wiped it last night. 


all in all a good experience and i know which o2 store i'll be using from now on for my switch up

Message 10 of 11