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refund roaming charges

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I have been outside the EU since mid-March, to be close to my children during the pandemic.


Since then, I have had "Mobile data" and "Roaming" turned off on my Android 10 phone, instead using pocket wi-fi's.


Nevertheless, o2 had sent me very large bills for data use.  Yesterday, for example, I receive an SMS from O2_Data saying I was almost at my 200MB limit, for which they would charge me £120.


I therefore 'chatted' with an o2 agent online yesterday, to find out what I needed to do to absolutely disable this.  The agent was useless, trying instead to sell me bolt-on travel packages.  This wasted 40 minutes.  When I asked her to put me in touch with someone who could help me she disconnected the call.  I clicked the "send transcript" option, but have not received one (even in my spam filter). 


The agent's behaviour raises the concern that o2 knows that it is charging customers for services that they do not want, and to which they have not consented, and is seeking to cover this up.


Can anyone tell me:


  1. how to disable mobile data use on my phone while I am abroad.  (I have reverted to 2G networks, as it seems that o2's been using my 4G signal for data transmission: this is overkill as there is no longer a 2G network here, effectively disabling my phone.)
  2. you to get a refund from o2 for the data they have charged me for without my awareness or consent.


Message 1 of 6

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To disable mobile data turn mobile data and data roaming off. Unless you are near to Wifi it will use data to update apps etc. Make sure your phone is set to update over WiFi only.


I'm not sure where you are exactly but it appears you should have installed the O2 Travel Bolt on before you left the UK. 


You won't get a refund from O2 as they will claim it was your error not theirs.

You may get a goodwill gesture and that's all

Numbers to call O2 are in this link

Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support 



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 6

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@Cleoriff wrote:


To disable mobile data turn mobile data and data roaming off. Unless you are near to Wifi it will use data to update apps etc. Make sure your phone is set to update over WiFi only.


I'm not sure where you are exactly but it appears you should have installed the O2 Travel Bolt on before you left the UK. 


You won't get a refund from O2 as they will claim it was your error not theirs.

Hi Cleoriff,


From my original posting, you'll see that:


1. I already have mobile data and roaming turned off.

2. the o2 chat agent has already tried to sell me a travel bolt-on, which I don't want (at £4.99/day, it's far more expensive than the £1/day I pay for my pocket wi-fi).


If you, one of the most experienced members of this board - with close ties to o2 - don't know how to avoid being charged £100/month for data I don't want, and have tried to disable, it is not reasonable for o2 to claim that this is user error.


I asked the o2 chat agent to put a technical advisor in touch with me who can help.  So far, there's no reply.


I've therefore submitted a complaint to o2; if it is not successful, I will submit a formal complaint to the Ombudsman. 

Message 3 of 6

Level 78: King of Kings
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What mobile device are you using?

Go into Settings, Apps and the check each app to check if each app has the following setting set:

"Allow App while Data Saver is on"

Also check in Data Usage for Mobile Data Usage Apps

Just so you know how roaming works re: billing

Your host network passed on the data that they saw your device (by IMEI, SIM and Phone Number) back to o2, this is then applied to your advice.

So your host network have seen your device connect to their network and hence they have charged you.

Just to reiterate this isnt o2 but your host network, so no refund will be due.
This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 4 of 6

Level 77: Grand Master
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O2 Chat/Web support is checkbox-driven (poor, I know), and of limited use in some cases. 

You should really try to get in touch via call, or via Social Media (Twitter or FB) to talk to someone knowledgeable in your case. 

Numbers, I think, @Cleoriff posted above, @Colin4, but are all at this url: Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support

8am UK time weekdays is the best time to start trying to get through.

Good luck! 

Message 5 of 6

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I have no ties with O2, other than being a customer like yourself.

In case you are unaware, this is a community run by customers. It's not O2.

We post on the forum to help others.


For your info, O2 Travel costs nothing to add to your account. It only activates when you use it.

I will admit that it is more expensive than your pocket Wifi, although O2 travel does allow calls and texts as well as a data allowance'


Also, to add to your frustration, I will be most surprised if you get a call from any O2 agent, despite the promise made by live chat. Generally they are only able to deal with the most basic of queries and I suspect the promise of a call back was made in order to appease you. 


Best of luck with your complaint.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 6 of 6