on 26-09-2017 22:23
on 26-09-2017 22:23
So I've had on going issues with signal for over 5 months . I've been back on live chat today and I've been told to phone back tomorrow to arrange an installation of a network box.
Does anyone have any idea what this is?
on 26-09-2017 22:29
on 26-09-2017 22:29
@Anonymous You can only have a booster box if you are a business customer. If you are on a normal consumer contract then you can use TU or WiFi calling
on 26-09-2017 22:52
on 26-09-2017 22:52
Hopefully this is agreed and notes put on your account. A booster box is indeed usually only available to business customers and at a cost though it's not unknown for O2 to give a box to a consumer customer given longstanding network issues.
However you do need to speak to customer service to get this arranged because I don't believe live chat have the mandate to agree the supply of the box.
on 27-09-2017 12:36
Perhaps @Anonymous can come back and let us know how he went on speaking to them.
on 27-09-2017 14:05
Good afternoon @Anonymous and welcome to our forum!
Please let us know how it went with your call today about the boostbox? As mentioned above by our helpful members, it is normally for Business customers only.
Also see here an info page about the boostbox in case it has any helpful info for you about what it is.