on 28-06-2023 19:44
I am waiting to speak to somebody but I have also noticed that my phone number is no longer assigned to my account. I was having issues signing in but now I'm being told that my phone number doesn't exist. Please help asap
on 28-06-2023 19:56
If the web version is equally afflicted - https://accounts.o2.co.uk/signin - then try again in 24hrs - your details may be being moved to the new 360 backend billing system: https://community.o2.co.uk/t5/Welcome-News/O2-System-Updates-360/m-p/1598402/highlight/true#M39424
If web version works, force-stop the app on your phone and clear cache, then try again. Or uninstall and reinstall, @AS11.
on 28-06-2023 19:59
thank you
on 29-06-2023 16:21