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Not applicable

I am a pay-as-you-go user and have been for the past few months. Recently, however, I have wanted to make contact with someone who lives in Norway, but I'm afraid the service that I am receiving is simply not acceptable.

Firstly, I am being charged 20p per text, mhm... I would like to find out how I can "change" my current settings so that I have to pay just 10p as it states on O2's website. Please also inform me if there are any other/better deals when referring to international texts.

Secondly, and rather importantly, about every 1 in 5 texts which I send are NOT being received by my friend and I am being charged for it! In theory, I'm losing around £2 a day on texts which are not even being sent on top of the already, high, charge. Surely you have some sort of logs to show this and I would like to imagine I am entitled to a full refund, if not, direct guidance on how to fix this problem.

PS: Is there a way I can top-up my phone by buying a pay-as-you-go card at a local store or something, opposed to using a credit card? I'm just recently back in the UK, and operators abroad offer this to their customers.

Message 1 of 6

Not applicable
Its hard to know where to start with your post as so much of it is, well, wrong. (sorry)

This is a customer forum, for us customers to help each other and discuss things. Not a way to contact O2.

Texts are only 10p when sent to other UK numbers not when sent overseas.

You are charged when the message is sent by O2. If there is a problem with the receiving network or phone then your friend needs to take that up with their operator.

Supplied with your phone/SIM is an e top-up card for use in local stores and instructions on the different methods of topping up (including at a cashpoint and buying vouchers).
Message 2 of 6

Not applicable

Texts are only 10p when sent to other UK numbers not when sent overseas.

Texts to anywhere in the world for 10p

That is what I was referring to...
Message 3 of 6

Not applicable
But that's a different tariff. And there is instructions on that page how to change to that tariff. So I'm not sure what your point is?
Message 4 of 6

Not applicable
ok, I just want to know:

I am currently a "normal" Pay-as-you-go user. I have £0.40 credit left. If I call the YOUR COUNTRY number and swtich tariffs, can I then go to my local store, top-up my phone with £20, and then, immediately, receive all the benefits of the YOUR COUNTRY tariff (10p texts, etc)?

or would I need to wait until a certain date after I have toppped-up to receive these benefits?

Sorry if these queries are a little narrow-minded, but I am just recently here in the UK, and I would much appreciate an answer to the above.

Thanks again
Message 5 of 6

Not applicable
You can change tariff once every month and tariff changes take place on your anniversary date.
Message 6 of 6