I am a pay-as-you-go user and have been for the past few months. Recently, however, I have wanted to make contact with someone who lives in Norway, but I'm afraid the service that I am receiving is simply not acceptable.
Firstly, I am being charged 20p per text, mhm... I would like to find out how I can "change" my current settings so that I have to pay just 10p as it states on O2's website. Please also inform me if there are any other/better deals when referring to international texts.
Secondly, and rather importantly, about every 1 in 5 texts which I send are NOT being received by my friend and I am being charged for it! In theory, I'm losing around £2 a day on texts which are not even being sent on top of the already, high, charge. Surely you have some sort of logs to show this and I would like to imagine I am entitled to a full refund, if not, direct guidance on how to fix this problem.
PS: Is there a way I can top-up my phone by buying a pay-as-you-go card at a local store or something, opposed to using a credit card? I'm just recently back in the UK, and operators abroad offer this to their customers.