on 30-03-2024 20:03
My O2 plan signed up through the Virgin Media. My contract is:
£15 per O2 SIM card, I would get 30 gb instead of 15 gb.
MY Virgin Media home WIFI would increase its speed from the original 250 mb to next faster speed, 350 mb after 14 days
I would get up to 3 boosters maximum if it is needed to meet the guaranteed speed.
I could upgrade within a period without the admin charge. I could wihraw from the contract if I am unhappy with the terms of the contract within 14 days.
But I have not got the upgraded WiFi speed and the increased Internet data on the O2 SIM monthly plan. Why?
on 30-03-2024 20:12
How long since the sign up?
Is the address on Virgin and O2 EXACTLY the same?
on 30-03-2024 20:39
The volt benefits are added after 14 days.
If you think you need boosters you need to run the tests in the virgin connect app Virgin Media Connect App | Everything You Need to Know