on 20-09-2016 15:56
on 20-09-2016 15:56
Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me.
I was an o2 PAYG customer for years up until January of this year, when my daughter upgraded her old iphone 4s and gave it to me.
I needed a micro sim, so I went to an o2 store and requested my own number transferred to a new sim card to fit the 4s.
I'm not a big user and when I was PAYG (with a samsung chat) I only topped up £10 about every 6-8 weeks.
The fella in the store suggested that I go to a pay monthly account so that I could use the 4s more.
I agreed, however I didn't realise that I was signing up to a 12 month contract, I presumed it would be a rolling monthly contract.
My issue is that since I changed to pay monthly, I have never been able to access my bills online.
At first, I thought it was because I had a new account. But 8 months later, I still can't go further than log in.
Each month I receive an email with my bill amount, and I also receive a paper bill, so at least I am aware of what is going to come out of my bank account.
But I would like to access my account during the month, to check on any calls I make, and to check my data allowance/usage.
I have telephoned customer support 4 times about this, each time i'm assured that it is fixed and I can now log in.
After 2 of those phone calls today, I decided to try live chat again.
The fella was very nice and tried to help, he reset my password and tried to log in himself. He can't go any further into my account either.
After nearly a hour of trying he told me that o2 business has errors and the technicians will sort it, to try again later or tomorrow.
I told him that it has never worked for me in 8 months of trying, he said it was working fine up until my chat with him (hmmmm? really?) and that once it is fixed it will "definately" work for me.
Again, I told him that it hasn't worked for me for 8 months, and that if it was working up until our chat, why didn't it work earlier today, or even yesterday when I phoned then too.
He had no answer, other than to say that it will "definately" work once the error is resolved, and apologised that it wasn't working now.
I'm so fed up with this now, all I want to do is be able to check my account during the month, rather than having to wait until the end when I get my bill.
So, has anyone here had the same problem and can they now get access to bill analyser etc, if so, how did you get it to work?
on 20-09-2016 16:02
on 20-09-2016 16:02
on 20-09-2016 16:02
on 20-09-2016 16:07
hello, I don't understand, I don't want anyones account access, I want to use mine, I was just wondering if anyone else had the same problem and if so how did they fix it.
on 20-09-2016 16:07
on 20-09-2016 16:10
on 20-09-2016 16:10
on 20-09-2016 16:10
on 20-09-2016 16:10
on 20-09-2016 16:21
on 20-09-2016 16:26
on 20-09-2016 16:43
on 20-09-2016 16:43
I do hate seeing these posts where a consumer is put on a business contract that has no protection from comsumer laws. @Toby and this was an instore upgradr and not a trusted partner ?