on 28-11-2020 22:00
on 28-11-2020 22:03
Only if you have bought a data bolt on @Luke30
on 28-11-2020 22:05
on 28-11-2020 22:07
on 28-11-2020 22:07
oh ok I just thort they as a lot of other networks do roll over unused data.
on 28-11-2020 22:11
on 28-11-2020 22:11
Every network operates differently @Luke30
on 28-11-2020 22:16
on 28-11-2020 22:16
oh ok. I have just sent a mesage to someone that works at o2 to see if they send a feedback on to get them to think about if can start doing the rollover data on pay monthly.
on 28-11-2020 22:17
on 28-11-2020 22:23
on 28-11-2020 22:23
Oh ok but I guess it would of hurt for me to send that feedback to o2 to get them to think about doing the rollover data on pay monthly. As I have been told on most I have been with that they love there giving them feedback on new service that there cutmers would love them doing on there network.
on 28-11-2020 22:24
on 28-11-2020 22:27
on 28-11-2020 22:27