on 10-05-2022 09:12
Existing deal
60gb (120gb with volt) data.
Unlimited mins and texts.
£40 per month.
Ends July 2022 but the phone is smashed.
New deal
S22+ 256gb version.
Unlimited data, texts and mins.
£47 per month.
Cashback, enhanced trade in and Disney plus.
Phone will be delivered today.
I broke my S20 last week and it isn't economical to repair it, so I decided to upgrade instead. I saw the 'new deal' on a popular mobiles website and called o2 sales about it. My hope was that they'd match the price and I'd just upgrade with them.
They couldn't get anywhere near the price and suggested that I buy the new deal, then call up and cancel my old one (paying the last couple of months off). Which seemed fair enough so that's what I've done.
The problem
I've just spoken to customer services, who tell me that my only option is to cancel the new tariff and pay £47 per month to get the same data as my old contract. I'll lose the cashback and perks because the new contract has been cancelled.
Apparently this is because the new line was set up on the same account?
I really don't understand why this might be and the customer service rep wasn't explaining things clearly at all. I work in a very technical role, so I don't think the problem is with my comprehension.
Rep couldn't understand my frustration when I said that this seems very unfair and makes me want to cancel everything and move to a different operator.
Can anyone with more knowledge of the processes explain whether I can achieve what I'm aiming for here?
I just want my old number moving to the new phone, then to cancel the old tariff and be on the new one.
Thanks in advance!
on 10-05-2022 09:15
So much nonsense comes out of CS these days unfortunately.
All you have to do is ask to migrate your number to the new contract which cancels the old one and generates your final bill for it.
Guide: Migration & porting into O2
on 10-05-2022 09:24
on 10-05-2022 09:24
I'll try again at lunch time using that exact wording and see if I can get further forward. Thanks for the speedy response