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Cancelling an upgrade

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Yesterday I upgraded using O2 Refresh, ending my existing contract 3 months early. I did this on a bit of a whim as I kept recieving notifications from O2, and my current handset is barely usable. 


I am moving to Australia at the end of the year; somehow, it completely slipped my mind that I can't just use this new contract over there, so I need to cancel this upgrade and hopefully restart the last 3 months of my current contract (unlikely, I know).

The International Bolt-On would cost me £2,800 for the 18 months of the contract that I will be in Australia, on top of the £32 monthly payment, so obviously is not an option.

I do not want to keep paying the monthly payment for a UK contract I cannot use as well as an Australian SIM, but I definitely cannot affaord to pay £800 to buy out the full 2 year contract. 


I upgraded less than 24 hours ago and have been calling O2 constantly to get assistance but they were closed for Bank Holiday.

Due to the lockdown, only 'Ugrades' and 'Leave O2' are answering 202 calls. Neither will help me and transferred me straight to Customer Services, who aren't answering the phone. 


The handset hasn't even arrived yet. I have a '14 day cooling-off period' during which I can 'change my mind', but all information on the consequences/cost of this and how to do it is incredibly vague or essentially non-existant. 

As this will be an immediate cancellation without using any minutes, data or texts and I won't even open the handset, will this be straightforward and free/cheap to cancel? And does anyone know if I can recommence my old contract until it runs out in July? 


If so, how can I do this? Online it says all cancellations must be done through calling 202, but no one on there is able to help at all. 


Thank you very much. 


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You'll need to keep trying to call customer service Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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You can return it under the 14 day change of mind policy 

However, if you wanted to persevere with O2 then try these other numbers

0800 977 73370800 587 4005 and 0800 090 1808


You could try Skype 0800 032 1402

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 6

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Calls to 202 are being answered this morning. 


Here are a few 0800 numbers if you want to try via land-line or Skype to 0800 032 1402. 


Other numbers to try
0800 977 7337
0800 587 4005
0800 0901808


Good luck, @AnnaMac

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202 will only let me speak to Upgrades or Leave O2, who say they cannot help. When I ring Customer Services it keeps ringing for 10 minutes or more with no message or hold; they may just be closed for Easter Monday so I will try again tomorrow.

I hoped to simplify all this and cancel everything before the phone was even dispatched, but my timing with Easter and the lockdown could not have been worse. 



Message 5 of 6

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Choose any option and give them notice to cancel.

Don't stress about it as you have the 14 day change of mind option to return the phone unopened.

Message 6 of 6