on 15-03-2022 19:10
The O2 app is refusing to accept my card this year despite it expiring in 2024 and having used the same card since 2020. I managed to pay via paypal on the mymobile2.o2.co.uk website. I did this on the 3rd of March, got an email from paypal confirming payment to Telefonica UK Limited (PAYMENTADMIN@O2.COM), I could also see this from my bank account so the payment was accepted. Despite this I kept getting warnings that my bill was overdue and now I can't make calls or use data and have a new bill with late fees. I paid the new bill in full again via paypal as its the only one that doesnt fail. The same thing has happened. The money is out of my account. My phone bill still shows as unpaid. I've tried setting up a direct debit as well. It shows in the app as okay I havent been charged from it and my bill is showing as unpaid.
Thought I would give in and call customer support. Just got an automated pay your bill message. I've been trying... Don't want to pay it 3 times with late fees that shouldn't exist. Especially when I've barely been able to use my phone for the past few weeks.
on 15-03-2022 19:15
on 15-03-2022 20:24
on 15-03-2022 20:24
on 15-03-2022 20:24
on 17-03-2022 16:19
on 17-03-2022 16:19
@Anonymous Could you pick this query up please.
on 17-03-2022 16:32
on 17-03-2022 16:32
I found out some more information that might be useful. For some reason the app is refusing to accept payments. I only have one real debit card so created a virtual one on Revolut (this works on other sites no problem). If I try and add it on mymobile2.o2.co.uk/payment-options from the app I get
"Card not added
Sorry, your payment hasn't been succesful due to a mismatch on your information"
with no further detail about what this mismatch is. I also got a notification on the banking app that My O2 App has verified that the card is valid.
I get the same information mismatch message when using my actual debit card that has been used fine for this account for around 2 years and expires in 2024.
I think something strange has happened to my account. I get emails about a bill due for a number ending in 2049 but when I reset my o2 password from the app on my phone the emails state a number ending in 1812. I do not know this number. The bills matched exactly on both accounts. I have paid my usual bill amount £7.46 for last month and £18.42 for this month (2 months + a late fee). I still cannot use my phone.
on 17-03-2022 18:30
on 17-03-2022 18:30
on 12-05-2022 13:08
I am in the same position where I have paid my bill via telephone, have the receipt number from O2:UK, see the money taken from my account, and yet myO2 still says the bill is overdue and won't accept any of my card payments online. I tried to change my direct debit details but the money was not taken out and so I paid via telephone banking.
on 12-05-2022 13:10
on 12-05-2022 13:10
on 12-05-2022 16:33
on 12-05-2022 16:33