on 30-03-2023 15:32
on 30-03-2023 15:36
You can reach the Payment Management team on 0800 902 0217.
The opening times are:
Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm
Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Sunday – 9am to 6pm
Use Skype to call for free Guide: A Guide to Skype
on 30-03-2023 15:41
on 30-03-2023 15:41
Thats the thing I can't call out because they have restricted my phone
30-03-2023 15:45 - edited 30-03-2023 15:46
30-03-2023 15:45 - edited 30-03-2023 15:46
Then you will have to message them
Message O2 on
Facebook (https://o2uk.co/O2CFB)
Twitter (https://o2uk.co/O2CTW) or Instagram (https://o2uk.co/O2CIG) , they should be able to help you.
But as you have Internet access the Skype method posted will work
on 30-03-2023 15:46
on 30-03-2023 15:46
@poppyred wrote:Thats the thing I can't call out because they have restricted my phone
You can call using Skype as per the link I posted above, or borrow a phone off someone.
on 31-03-2023 13:03