on 03-03-2025 12:01
The sight is still showing the current price and mentioning the April rise but the Cost Breakdown is showing price from April only.
No sign as yet of any major changes
on 03-03-2025 12:17
on 03-03-2025 12:17
Sounds like uSwitch are pulling a switchearoo 🤣
on 03-03-2025 12:28
I'm eagerly awaiting a promising deal but I'm guessing there will be an increase on the base £8 possibly up to £9 which is sill an 80p saving
on 03-03-2025 12:33
I'm wondering if it ties in with this post
on 03-03-2025 12:39
Very possibly
It's not long to wait now because I don't want to pay £9.80 for a declining network with a p*ss-poor customer service
on 03-03-2025 23:30
on 03-03-2025 23:30
on 04-03-2025 08:00
on 04-03-2025 08:00
on 04-03-2025 08:35
on 04-03-2025 08:35
on 04-03-2025 08:44
Yep. Which means the USwitch headline price is misleading (nice way to put it)
The first charge should be pro rata.
04-03-2025 09:15 - edited 04-03-2025 09:16
04-03-2025 09:15 - edited 04-03-2025 09:16