on 22-11-2023 18:37
on 22-11-2023 18:37
Not sure of the correct place for this to be posted, so I'll try Tech Support and hopefully it can be moved if it isn't correct.
When I sign in to My O2, under "my O2 products and services" there is my mobile account and a BT Business account. I don't have or use an O2 Business account so how do I go about getting that removed?
Also, when I click on "update my personal details" I get a message saying that I need to select an account from My O2 products and services to see/do anything, but I have, so I'm stuck in a loop!
Thanks in advance!
on 22-11-2023 18:43
We’re just customers like you but it sounds like you’ll need someone to access your account which can’t be done from here. If you message O2 using the links below, they should be able to help you with this
or give them a call on 202 or 0344 809 0202
Or try the business number 8002