on 03-10-2023 16:04
I’ve had no data connection whilst at work for the past 2 weeks, it shows on the map that there is good signal for the area that I’m in (TS6 6TR) which is not the case, nothing loads and none of my messages or iMessages are sending. Im really not happy about this, as it has affected my online training for work for the past 2 weeks and I’ve not been able to keep in touch with my family or my little boy whilst working 20 hour shifts. That’s 2 weeks of my monthly payment I will be paying for for no data I’m not happy
on 03-10-2023 16:15
My Network App is showing a mast problem at that post code
See if any of this helps
Guide: How can I sort out my network issues?
Guide: Is the network down for me or everyone?