on 28-03-2023 13:42
i was under the impression that students got 20% off airtime plans however the code doesn’t seem to work. I have had my new phone for 2 months now and I keep trying to add the discount but no money has been taken off of my bill
on 28-03-2023 13:46
on 28-03-2023 13:46
@Molly180304 Try reaching O2 via social media. They should be able to help you with this:
Facebook (https://o2uk.co/O2CFB), Twitter (https://o2uk.co/O2CTW), or Instagram (https://o2uk.co/O2CIG)
on 28-03-2023 14:32
Discount needs to be added within the first 28 days, so unfortunately, you are too late now Guide: O2 Open & Friends and Family discounts - How to sign up
on 29-03-2023 11:06
@Molly180304 any luck with contacting customer service?