on 29-06-2020 10:45
on 29-06-2020 10:52
Zoom can use over 2gb per hour https://www.reviews.org/internet-service/how-much-data-does-zoom-use/#:~:text=2.4%20GB%2Fhr.,and%204... so you'll need to ensure you have enough data to last for all your calls each month.
You may be better off increasing your phones data allowance and using that as a hotspot, otherwise, get the 50gb mbb data plan.
on 29-06-2020 11:22
on 29-06-2020 11:26
on 29-06-2020 11:26
As it's only required for 3 weeks I would strongly advise against a contract as it will cost you a fortune.
Much better with a 30 day sim which you can cancel after the forst month as I linked to above.