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Looking to join Pay Monthly

Level 3: Thinker
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As the title says, I am looking to join pay monthly.

I am looking at the new HTC One £17/month contract for 300 minutes, unlimited texts and 500MB data - however, the spanner in the works is the handset cost of £450. I understand that with a brand new flagship phone the cost will not be low. 

However, if I decided to hold on for the price to drop, how long would I expect to wait for what reduction in price? (For example, 6 weeks for a £50 drop)

Thank you for any help you may be able to offer.

Message 1 of 12

Level 3: Thinker
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Hi Toby, 


I've decided that I will probably go for the Pay Monthly option at £17/month and £450 handset  cost for 300 minutes, unlimited texts and 500MB data. This is because it works out cheapest over the 24 month term. However, a close second was the O2 Refresh option, as for only a very little amount more you can have twice as many minutes and an extra 50% data (750MB vs 500MB) - so this option would better suit those who make a lot of phone calls. Unfortunately, I don't fall into this category, despite the extra data which I covet!


Which brings me on to another question - usually with my HTC Desire, I've only used about 250MB of data a month, am I right in thinking 500MB should still be comfortable for the HTC One? Even with the constant updating for Blinkfeed?

I'm thinking about popping into my local store mid-week if they have stock of the phone, rather than ordering it online. If I have any revelations relating to my topic I shall let you all know slight_smile

Message 11 of 12

Level 94: Supreme
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To be honest for the slightly higher cost I would go with the Refresh and 750 Mbs as you are going for a higher spec handset which will inevetibly use higher amounts of data.


Also use wifi whenever possible. I use around the 500 Mbs a month mark even though the majority of time I'm on wifi with the S3.

Message 12 of 12