on 17-03-2025 10:12
Hi - we have been having strange things happening with our recently opened (December 2024) PAYG account which we reported immediately to O2 fraud but which haven't been resolved to our satisfaction. The promised contact back from them within 48 hours has failed to materialise.
My wife and I both have o2 classic PAYG sims. We recently had someone opening 2 separate o2 accounts using our address. The letters we received looked official o2 correspondence confirming the opening of the accounts.
We obviously reported this initially by ringing the contact number shown on the letter 0344 809 0202 which is supposed to be an official o2 number & is also on the website.
This number was shown as going through to a business called Boyarsky Murphy Architects in London so I hung up. I called Boyarsky on their own number and they said this has been a repeated problem.
Looking online both the 0344 809 0202 number & the Boyarsky issue are discussed as possible scams.
o2 have cancelled the contracts set up by someone using our address but we have subsequently received a cheque from o2 in the name of the person setting up the accounts. We have again reported this to o2 fraud who were supposed to respond but haven't.
Have others had the same problems?
Why did an official number show as Boyarsky Architects?
Is it safe to ask for a PAC code so we can leave o2?
17-03-2025 10:26 - edited 17-03-2025 10:57
17-03-2025 10:26 - edited 17-03-2025 10:57
Some more on the Boyarsky Architects thing here:
Tagging @Dave-O2 for help on this odd CLI issue with what is a genuine O2 number, watch for a reply from him later, @sheffman
on 17-03-2025 11:19
Thanks for the tag @pgn
@sheffman Can you please drop me a PM with the account number linked to the Fraud?
on 17-03-2025 11:29
How to safely get your PAC
Guide: How to get your PAC [June 2021 Update]
on 17-03-2025 11:59
on 17-03-2025 11:59
Do I click on your username to PM you or just post it here?
on 17-03-2025 12:02
click on the username and then the box to message by PM
on 17-03-2025 12:02
click username then send message @sheffman
on 17-03-2025 12:49
on 17-03-2025 12:49
Hi Dave - PM sent.
on 17-03-2025 14:03
on 17-03-2025 14:03
on 17-03-2025 17:37
on 17-03-2025 17:37
Interestingly, googling for "Boyarsky Murphy Architects" triggers the VM "unsafe site" warning, but accessing the same site, https://boyarskymurphy.com/ using O2's cellular/mobile data lets you access it...
Something amiss somewhere if the CLI coming back for 0344 809 0202 is also showing "Boyarsky Murphy Architects", as their contact number is not the same (shown below).