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iPhone tethering: Greedy O2...

Not applicable
So you think it's a good idea to charge your customers extra to tether an iPhone to their laptop?

I think any customer with sense would rather just jailbreak their phone than pay an extra £15/month for a service they are already paying for...

Any reason for this outragous charging scheme, or is it just for the hell of it?? Worth a try??

Have you been living in a cave recently and not noticed that the general public aren't that happy with greed (see recent MP expenses scandals)?
Message 1 of 55

Not applicable
So you think it's a good idea to charge your customers extra to tether an iPhone to their laptop?

o2 have been doing that for years, so yes, it's an established practice. o2 market (admittedly not very visibly) the Web Max bolt-on to allow tethering. This is charged at £30 a month. So the same service for £15 on the iPhone is a bargain. How can that be greedy - half price tethering?

Anyone using the phone as a modem on the standard unlimited web bolt-on is acting against the T&C's.

Message 2 of 55

Not applicable
Actually I'm not happy with the "greed" of the iphone users posting on the forums since the release last night. At the moment, the iphone gives you unlimited data and free wifi plus loads of minutes as standard compared to other contracts. Yet iphone owners want more by expecting tethering to be free! Check the T&C's for the use of unlimited data on mobile phones. It's effectively turning the iphone into a usb dongle which is chargeable. That could be useful for people who don't want to carry an additional dongle along when one device could be used. That price is inline with mobile broadband dongles.

finally someone who doesnt want somethig for free
i am sick of people who wants EVERYTHINg for nothing maybe if people werent so greedy then businesses wouldnt be struggling and this country wouldnt be so deep in recession
i have always paid for recieving a service and would never expect to get things for free
and tethering is and additional service to the iphone browsing so you should pay for it
Message 3 of 55

Not applicable

Any reason for this outragous charging scheme, or is it just for the hell of it?? Worth a try??
Have you been living in a cave recently and not noticed that the general public aren't that happy with greed (see recent MP expenses scandals)?

There is no way any network in the world could offer free unlimited tethering data in the same way as fixed line broadband. The technology doesn't exist for that to happen (yet). Any network that offered it today would crash very quickly. So it has to priced at a point that takeup won't be huge.

The O2 pricing is actually fair and reasonable when you understand the limitations of the technology being used.
Message 4 of 55

Not applicable
When the tethering was announced I was quite excited until I saw t he charges they impose. I don't think o2 understand what unlimited actually means. For those who don't know, it means as much internet as you want using your iPhone. So why o2 want to charge extra for using THE PHONES internet just on a laptop is unclear to me - apart from they are greedy which we all know is true judging from todays episode.
Message 5 of 55

Not applicable
I don't agree that tethering should be distinct from mobile internet usage on the phone. Internet traffic is Internet traffic regardless of source or destination. If, say, the standard data plan offered a few hundred MB per month and the tethering extra extended that allowance to allow bigger downloading up to 3-5GB per month, that would be perfectly fine. It's the restricting of which device I use to access the Internet that I find an issue.

However, if I tether my iPhone for a few minutes to download a few emails here and there, there's not going to be any difference in the traffic I generate between that and using my iPhone to read my email!

(Note: I have a first-generation EDGE iPhone which would make it very difficult for me to generate large traffic on O2 unless I tried very, very hard to)
Message 6 of 55

Not applicable
I don't agree that tethering should be distinct from mobile internet usage on the phone. Internet traffic is Internet traffic regardless of source or destination. If, say, the standard data plan offered a few hundred MB per month and the tethering extra extended that allowance to allow bigger downloading up to 3-5GB per month, that would be perfectly fine. It's the restricting of which device I use to access the Internet that I find an issue.
However, if I tether my iPhone for a few minutes to download a few emails here and there, there's not going to be any difference in the traffic I generate between that and using my iPhone to read my email!
(Note: I have a first-generation EDGE iPhone which would make it very difficult for me to generate large traffic on O2 unless I tried very, very hard to)

If I may say so, that's the most balanced argument I've seen on here.

Glad to see some people can think the matter through objectively without knee-jerk reactions.

For what it's worth I fully agree. You should be able to tether within a set limit, then maybe pay extra for a higher limit. And infrequent use should not be a problem and something I doubt o2 would ever bother looking at.

However, the fact remains, for whatever reason, o2 do not allow tethering without paying for the Web Max bolt-on or the new iPhone tethering charge. So people who do that do so at the risk of paying a heavy bill if they get "found out". If folk are willing to take that risk, that's their own business IMHO.

Message 7 of 55

Not applicable
I think charging for tethering is a really bad idea. I was using a certain other make of phone as an unlimited 3G modem before the iphone was even released and i have been missing this and picture messaging ever since. I agree that there could be a cap on excessive data usage but 'reasonable usage' i.e the kinds of levels of data we are already paying for on a monthly contract should surely be free. I hardly use my laptop anymore outside work but occasionally I would like to do so. I'm hardly going to pay another £15 a month for this privilege. Disappointed O2 😞
Message 8 of 55

Not applicable
Excuse me - something for nothing? Are you serious. I currently pay O2 £90 a year for unlimited data on my iphone on top of the £300 I pay for call's and texts. I use my computer and phone for business and all I want to use tethering for is to send and receive a my emails onto my computer when I can and for the times when I need to send or be sent a file while I'm on the road. I am not into downloading hours of video nor will I ever be. BTW this is something I could do with ease on my N95 on Orange with no problems.

So please tell me how 02 can justify charging me an extra £10 a month just so I can send a few emails.
Message 9 of 55

Not applicable
The answer is simple - Don't use it if it is going to charge you a fortune. If the demand drops, I believe that O2 might just scrap the idea of charging customers at all, don't you think so?
Message 10 of 55