on 09-06-2009 14:58
on 09-06-2009 14:58
on 09-06-2009 16:18
on 09-06-2009 16:18
So you think it's a good idea to charge your customers extra to tether an iPhone to their laptop?
on 09-06-2009 16:29
on 09-06-2009 16:29
Actually I'm not happy with the "greed" of the iphone users posting on the forums since the release last night. At the moment, the iphone gives you unlimited data and free wifi plus loads of minutes as standard compared to other contracts. Yet iphone owners want more by expecting tethering to be free! Check the T&C's for the use of unlimited data on mobile phones. It's effectively turning the iphone into a usb dongle which is chargeable. That could be useful for people who don't want to carry an additional dongle along when one device could be used. That price is inline with mobile broadband dongles.
on 09-06-2009 16:39
on 09-06-2009 16:39
Any reason for this outragous charging scheme, or is it just for the hell of it?? Worth a try??
Have you been living in a cave recently and not noticed that the general public aren't that happy with greed (see recent MP expenses scandals)?
on 09-06-2009 16:54
on 09-06-2009 16:54
on 09-06-2009 18:45
on 09-06-2009 18:45
on 09-06-2009 20:24
on 09-06-2009 20:24
I don't agree that tethering should be distinct from mobile internet usage on the phone. Internet traffic is Internet traffic regardless of source or destination. If, say, the standard data plan offered a few hundred MB per month and the tethering extra extended that allowance to allow bigger downloading up to 3-5GB per month, that would be perfectly fine. It's the restricting of which device I use to access the Internet that I find an issue.
However, if I tether my iPhone for a few minutes to download a few emails here and there, there's not going to be any difference in the traffic I generate between that and using my iPhone to read my email!
(Note: I have a first-generation EDGE iPhone which would make it very difficult for me to generate large traffic on O2 unless I tried very, very hard to)
on 09-06-2009 20:59
on 09-06-2009 20:59
on 09-06-2009 21:19
on 09-06-2009 21:19
on 10-06-2009 06:30
on 10-06-2009 06:30