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The iPhone 4 Upgrade Offer

Not applicable
Hi, i know this may have already been posted and answered, for that i apologies.

But basically at the moment im reading mixed reports that o2 are offering the upgrade to all customers still under contact and other reports stating that this offer only applies to those who are under an iPhone contact.

Im hoping the latter is not the case as my contact run out in January and i stated as i knew the iPhone 4 would be coming out in the near future that i would want to get this upon its release. The gentleman who done my upgrade said that this would be fine and basically describe what by the looks of things is the special limited time offer that o2 are going to offer, the only thing is though the upgrade i got, gave me a blackberry as i already had the 3gs.

So to sum up im just wondering if anyone knows of the criteria of this special upgrade? or am i just being inpatient?


Message 1 of 75

Not applicable
Difficult to say at this time, 02 are keeping their cards close to their chest right now. Some of it is down to the fact that they are negotiating deals with Apple, looking at the cost of subsidising the handsets and how best to maximise their return. All normal best business practices but not exactly helpful to us end users !!

What we do know is that 02 are making a big thing of this Fair Charter, same deals for new and existing customers. How this equates to in contract/out of contract is still unknown.
Message 2 of 75

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Message 3 of 75

Not applicable
I have a business contract which expires on 29 July 2011, but am eligible for a handset upgrade on 29 July 2010. Does anyone know how this is likely to work? I want to upgrade 2 handsets.
Message 4 of 75

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It sounds like a straight upgrade but just spoke to o2 CS and they have no information on tariffs or if the handsets are likely to cost anymore than the upgrade cost.

She did tell me though, my handset is still in the 14 day period and if I send it back tomorrow morning then I can just upgrade to the new iphone.
Message 5 of 75

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Lane, that's exactly what I've been wondering.

I'm threeish months away from my upgrade period in august and they're telling me it'll cost £20 for the upgrade fee.

I've no problem paying that if it's a straight upgrade with my current plan and no extra charge on the handset but I assume I'll end up paying somewhere around £80 on that anyway.

I might even consider the 32GB phone if the price is low enough.
Message 6 of 75

Not applicable
If you sign up to the contract and agree to waive your legal rights, does that technically matter? If you waived the right, then changed your mind and decided you no longer want the phone, can O2 legally uphold you to the contract or does law make the contract null/void as it goes against the law?
Message 7 of 75

Not applicable
I have a business contract which expires on 29 July 2011, but am eligible for a handset upgrade on 29 July 2010. Does anyone know how this is likely to work? I want to upgrade 2 handsets.

As stated in the early upgrade terms:

This Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any early upgrade eligibility you may have as part of O2 Priority List.

Not sure if this affects business users though to be honest.

It would seem it's not all smiles really (for me at least). The way I read the terms are you have to pay £20 for every month left on your contract (in my case thats £320). Then, you have to sign up for a new contract and pay the price of the new Iphone also, which going by roughly converted ATT dollar prices we could be looking at £139 for the 16GB or £199 for the 32. So that would be £519. Thats a lot of money and doesn't seem all that special to me. It does seem it will benefit customers who's contracts are nearly up. Having said that, my 32GB 3GS is mint so should fetch £253 via the recycle option making it £266, which is still pretty hefty but a bit easier to swallow 😐

Here they are anyway:

Before you can end your existing contract under this Offer you must:
Have paid a one-off, non-refundable, charge of £20 for each complete month remaining of your minimum term (as calculated by O2) (the "Early Upgrade Offer Charge");
Sign up for a new 18 or 24 month minimum term Pay Monthly or 24 month minimum term Business airtime contract with O2 with an iPhone 4 at the normal price for that phone and on our current relevant tariff terms at the time you sign up for the Offer.
Understand that you will be waiving the "change of mind" period set out in your new Airtime contract or any Distance Sales Act rights granted by law as we will be continuing to prove a service which you are already familiar with.

Message 8 of 75

Not applicable
In my case with contract ending 6/2011 I would have to pay £220, however on signing a new 18month contract the phone would be free as long as I stayed on the top tariff that I have which is £60 per month unlimited calls and texts.

I have been offered £200 for my 11 month old 3G 8GB so it only costs me £20 to change, not bad I think.
Message 9 of 75

Not applicable
what do you want themto do? just let you out of your contract without paying? that makes great buisness sense! you signed up to a contract
Message 10 of 75