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I am a new member of the forum, this being my first post.

I am unsure if this 'topic' has been discussed previously, if it has, apologies to all!

Over the past number of weeks, I have been receiving repetative calls from unknown numbers, and have been told by a friend that it could be a 'mobile phone scam' and that i should not answer!

Here are the numbers, any ideas? 01269/598400 and 01792/482440.........

I would be very grateful for any help.
Message 1 of 6

Not applicable
Hi Nutty, welcome to the forum.

At the very worst, it could be that you're being called by a company trying to sell you something. You'll certainly not be charged/scamed by simply answering the calls, if that's your concern (incoming call charges may apply if you're abroad, though).

I would recommend that you answer the phone, wait until they've said who they are, tell them you're not interested in anything they're selling and ask them to remove your number from their marketing lists.

Another idea is to register your number with the Telephone Preference Service at

This will put your number on an opt-out register and should stop these unwanted calls. Although there are some unscrupulous companies who might ignore the TPS registration, in doing so they are breaking the law - make a note of their number before you answer, you can then make a complaint via the TPS website if calls continue after you've registered.

Hope this helps.
Message 2 of 6

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Thank you for that Chris. Since making my initial post here, through curiosity i did an internet search on 01269598400 and it turns out to be a company called 'mobiles4u', (based in Wales), cold calling, trying to sell contracts.

The other number, (01792482440), appears to be a company called 'splashmobile', (also based in Wales).

The common opinion on the site i found this information on (, is that both these numbers are connected to a 'scam', whereby you answer your mobile and are instantly charged mega-bucks for the privilege.
Message 3 of 6

Not applicable
If you are in the UK, and using your UK mobile, you cannot get charged anything by simply answering the phone, you must initiate a call or text message yourself. Receiving a premium-service text message is perhaps an exception, but again you must subscribe to any such service first before they can charge you for texts they send you.

As far as I've heard, all these Welsh companies are insurance providers (or so they'd like to think) that try to lure you into taking mobile phone insurance with them, telling you just anything in the process to succeed in their goal. Some have branded them as scammers (and some of these companies undoubtedly are), some have said they are legit but not good deals.
Message 4 of 6

Not applicable
Wasnt there something on Watchdog a few weeks ago about these Welsh insurance companies? ... d_int.html
Message 5 of 6

Not applicable
This mobiles4u outfit contacted me - I am happy with O2 and my contract has not ended so I never gave them a chance to ask me to switch - the moment they said I qualify for a free upgrade I told them exactly what they could do with their upgrade - I am Most concerned that they knew my name what phone I have and what tarrif I have - How have they obtained these details
Message 6 of 6