on 28-02-2025 15:37
on 28-02-2025 15:37
As of May 2025, Skype is going away to be replaced by Teams.
Microsoft are removing the calling features unless you have calling credits and if a new user you wont be able to use Teams for any calls
on 28-02-2025 15:41
That's going to reduce the guides by at least one, by @Bambino, and the guidance given in some other guides and many, many responses also: Guide: A Guide to Skype
on 28-02-2025 15:51
Shame as it was one way for customers to connect whenthey were without network
Most people now use Facetime or WhatsApp
In fact the last time I used Skype was in Thailand when needing to contact the airline to bring my flight forward and to contact the credit card company to authorise the payment. That was back in 2019 when I first fell ill with Covid
on 28-02-2025 16:12
Can't say I have ever used it. WhatsApp for the last few years.
on 28-02-2025 16:51
on 28-02-2025 16:51
Yes, @pgn, sad to see Microsoft retiring the service, but other VOIP's have overtaken it. People can still use it until May 5, so the link is useful to anyone needing to contact O2 if they're abroad until then. Unless O2 comes up with another method of contact if someone has no phone service before Skype closes down (highly unlikely, I would think), then customers will only be able to use the social media links if they are out of the country.
on 28-02-2025 20:12
on 28-02-2025 20:12
The BBC report on this news is here :-
Skype announces it will close in May - BBC News
I used Skype a lot some ten, fifteen and twenty years' ago, but as time has gone on, I have become a Zoom convert. Nevertheless, it is sad to see Skype go the way of the likes of Netscape Navigator...... 👍
on 28-02-2025 22:49
on 28-02-2025 22:49
on 01-03-2025 18:21
on 01-03-2025 18:21