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How come on my Birthday i get no o2 service on my pay monthly Samsung Galaxy S5 ? Yet my wife on o2 sim only with a sony erricson has service?
whats the use in having an expensive phone?who do i blame?Samsung or o2?
Been holding for over 40 mins on wifes phone to 202 for help? joke!!!
Cant even get online chat from my PC to o2.
What a bunch of crap and it aint the first time with o2.. they are about as accessible as Ebay when there is a problem.
on 16-03-2015 20:03
Is your wife's sim card the same size as yours?
Are you able to try it in your phone to check if it's a sim fault or the phone at fault?
on 16-03-2015 23:03
on 16-03-2015 23:03
on 18-03-2015 14:44