on 31-07-2023 21:34
I have a Motorola phone using O2. I have had no issues with my emails until suddenly today I stopped receiving emails. When I check if it’s syncing it says it’s just done it but no emails are downloading at all. I can receive the emails on other devices so I presume the problem is with my phone. I haven’t changed any settings at all so I’m confused as to why this suddenly happened.
on 31-07-2023 21:49
Try removing the email account from your phone and re add it.
on 31-07-2023 22:09
This is going to sound really dumb but I have a gmail account as my phone is an android with a bt.com account as the second account but I use the latter as my main account. Neither account is receiving new emails at the moment. Which account do I disable? I’m not very technical as you may have gathered!
on 31-07-2023 22:16
on 31-07-2023 22:16
I assume you are polling both accounts through the gmail app?
If so, delete the gmail app and re add both accounts.
Make sure you set them up as imap and nothing will be lost.
on 31-07-2023 22:20
Yes I am. Thanks for the advice. I will try to do it in the morning!