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Samsung Galaxy S3 Jelly Bean Bugs & Fixes

Not applicable



I have already noticed a few bugs with Jelly Bean on my Galaxy SIII and thought it might be useful to start a list of these bugs & hopefully come up with some solutions?


  • Low Battery life - attempting a calibration soon, hopefully this will resolve the problem but i suspect it is caused by GPS usage & data usage from google now
  • No ability to set reminder via google now -"Remind me to XXXXXX in ten minutes" results in setting an alarm for midnight?
  • Sky Go app is no longer compatible
  • Pausing music via voice only works if done in an american accent (even though everything is set to UK)
  • Sometimes, selecting a part of text by sliding your finger to the relevant place results in closing the keyboard meaning you can only select part of text with "press"
  • "Google Now" hangs on "Initialising" sometimes when out of WIFI


Message 1 of 49

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I recently upgraded and I find that I randomly get the "slide to unlock" tip when I wake my phone up. Its as if I've just got the phone and turned on slide to unlock but it happens approx: 3 times a day.

Very annoying.
Message 2 of 49

Not applicable

Good idea!


I too have a few google now glitches. i.e setting an alarm just searches google for me! and I get fedup waiting for Google Now when i'm not on Wifi even though I have excellent 3G coverage where I live. Although to be honest I don't often use things like that in public because I basically feel like a t*t doing it lol. 


Heard a few people mention about the going into "More Settings" causes the settings app to crash. Although I have not had that issue. 



Message 3 of 49

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@Anonymous wrote:
I recently upgraded and I find that I randomly get the "slide to unlock" tip when I wake my phone up. Its as if I've just got the phone and turned on slide to unlock but it happens approx: 3 times a day.

Very annoying.



Settings > lock screen > lock screen options > untick Help Text

Message 4 of 49

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@Anonymous wrote:

Good idea!


I too have a few google now glitches. i.e setting an alarm just searches google for me! and I get fedup waiting for Google Now when i'm not on Wifi even though I have excellent 3G coverage where I live. Although to be honest I don't often use things like that in public because I basically feel like a t*t doing it lol. 


Heard a few people mention about the going into "More Settings" causes the settings app to crash. Although I have not had that issue. 



I had a google now problem as well, have you tried clearing the cache from google now then restarting the phone (i found that the general restart didn't work but turning the phone off and waiting 30 seconds did)

Message 5 of 49

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I tried that but to no avail. Thanks though, any more suggestions are welcome!

Message 6 of 49

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@Anonymous wrote:

I tried that but to no avail. Thanks though, any more suggestions are welcome!

try going into applications manager and clear data from "Help" then restart. Maybe that will trick it?


Not sure if "Help" is the right application but its the closest ive found so far

Message 7 of 49

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@micklep wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

I tried that but to no avail. Thanks though, any more suggestions are welcome!

try going into applications manager and clear data from "Help" then restart. Maybe that will trick it?


Not sure if "Help" is the right application but its the closest ive found so far

Cheers man. I think its fixed, at least it hasn't done it for an hour and a half. We shall see, not sure what did it.


Message 8 of 49

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The only thing I've noticed since upgrading this morning is a red border around the screen that occasionally appears (briefly).  Having looked at some Android forums, I think it could be a debugging option.  The 'Show screen updates' Developer option was on - I've turned it off, but it doesn't make any difference*.


Apart from that minor gripe, it feels faster than 4.1 (which was, I think, the idea)!


* Update - while typing, it occurred to me that changing Developer options may require a reboot to take effect.  I've rebooted and the red border seems to have gone - at least, it hasn't appeared as yet slight_smile

Message 9 of 49

Not applicable

another bug...

I can't seem to upload photos to facebook unless in WIFI, 3G just causes an error. Anybody else experiencing the same?

Message 10 of 49