Though in an area where O2 say that there are no signal problems, i really struggle with my S4 but when others visit me they don't seem to have the same problem... i feel cheated that i'm paying my monthly contract yet i'm not guaranteed & struggle for a signal especially as i'm disabled & my phone is my lifeline.. in sutuations like this O2 should investigate more & where need be should provide some sor of 'signal pick-up booster box' or antenae booster connector.. but they just say " sorry, but thereare no reported problems in your area" & keep taking your money.. i feel O2 as lost its way since becoming s big a player in the mobile market & for one, don't put up enough receiver masts in an area anymore & since 4G as become the new network even more masts have been lost to that use without erecting more or making thembig enough to cope with all the network traffic..
I sense, through asking around, that in general most people will stay loyal to a network if they are at least getting their minimum needs met, ie making & taking a phone call, texts, e-mails etc but once any of these becime an issue people will start looking elsewhere & i think O2 will find themselves loosing customers in droves if the continue not to address these issues within the next few months.. especially as their competitors are now offering far better deals / bundles & all round value for money... time to shape up or loose O2 !!..