on 18-02-2024 18:58
Hi all.... I need to monitor my household data usage through our 4g data sim/router to stay within O2's fair usage policy limit .... so I check regularly and level of use so far in the month determines whether my boys can download games, stream TV, use other online devices.... my app has decided to stop telling me!
It now just says "0". It's not the app, as my online login also won't tell me and says "this information isn't available at this time".
I've contact O2 by chat & twitter and both have been utterly useless as usual. No idea why, no idea what to check & no further forward.
Has anyone else experienced this and if so, any suggestions?... thanks
on 18-02-2024 19:05
All sorts of strange things are going on as O2 try to implement a new system.
I know mine sometimes plays up at weekends.
As customers all we can advise is keeping on at O2
on 18-02-2024 20:50
on 18-02-2024 21:20
on 18-02-2024 21:20
Definitely related to O2's systems, as my usage is showing as below on the app (360, not legacy):