Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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PAC code

I gave my pac code from orange to o2 on sunday. I spoke to an advisor again on wednesday and again last night. All promising that my number would be transfered within 24 hours. This still hasn't happened. Why? Do I need to do something with my phone?...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! How do I stop O2 from blocking an unknown caller?

I've searched across the forum, but can only find questions asking 'how' to block a number. I have the opposite problem. I have never asked O2 to block any numbers, but recently I've had a load of calls 'blocked - unknown'. I did manage to catch one ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! no 3g on iphone4 settings fine

so had iphone 3 could use 3g and wifi.. got iphone 4 had issues with 3g rang o2 and they did something to switch it all off??? only used wifi.. now i want 3g no one has a clue whats wrong settings fine. phone fine. tried sim back in iphone 3 and no 3...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! New Contract, Transferring old number to terminate

Long story short, I've been speaking to O2 to sort upgrading early, they inform me by taking a new contract and then requesting the transfer of my existing O2 number to the new one, this should terminate by existing contract and I'll be billed the re...

mrmillsy by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Can't view my bill from the account page

Hi, I'd like to view my bill and account payments online please, but the pages are broken. Here's the path I took: 1. I start at and click 'View my bill', which directs to - only it then re...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! SMS message centre costs?

Why do I have 12 media messages sent via the SMS message centre when I didn't go abroad or send any roaming texts?

Resolved! Contract phone...and insurance

HiI have been reading some posts that mention insurance and contract phones. When i changed from PAYG to Contract last week, I wasn't asked about insurance at all. Just want to check if insurance on my new phone is my responsibility to sort independe...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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Resolved! Pay & Go question re top ups

Hi all, I have o2 pay & go (regular phone not one of those smart phones - I know i live in the dark ages.. :).Anyway, my pay and go sim I dont get any freebies with it at all - never have (well apart from the 'rewards'). Some months I top up some mon...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! being charged for data I haven't used

Since September 2012 I've been getting charged for data while in France when I know I haven't been using it. Phone is an HTX One X all auto updates turned off, data roaming turned off unless I want to use it, It's not my first smart phone so I am fai...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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