Pay As You Go
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Forum Posts

Pay and Go hub

Hey everyone, Welcome the to the Pay and Go hub! This thread is a handy index where you can find help and information about the main Pay and Go questions that we see on the community. If you have a question about topping up your balance, setting up a...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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FAQs: Pay As You Go

Hi all, welcome to the Pay as You Go board! If you have a PAYG account or are thinking of getting one and have related questions, this is the place you can post your question to and get replies from other customers. Please remember: if your query req...

Marjo by Former Staff
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Resolved! Cancelling Contract.

I have two tablet and a previously lost samsung handset. wanting to pay off device plans and cancel contracts - which are pay as you go. am finding the whole my o2 and online help fair too confusing, especially as one of my devices ...

Lost by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Historically bills

Hi looking for some old bills from 2019 can anyone till me where to find them?

Inga45 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Disney plus

Hi there,can you take off disney plus from my account please as ive never signed up for disney plus and re credit my account for the last two months which i have paid 38 year old not 8 year if you could remove it for me and re...

Resolved! Accessing online account fully

Hi, hope someone can help, I would like to access my online account fully but am unable to as every time I get sent a code to my pay as you go number - problem is the number is in a gate pad for electric gates therefore the code is not accessible. I'...

DonTay by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Taking credit of my phone

I keep on getting £1.50 credit taking of my phone don't know why coz I have my bundle don't ring anyone will someone be able to check for me please coz that £3 in 2 days now xxxxxx thanks

Claire25 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! International Sim

International SimTop up £10 to get 3000 O2 texts, plus 100MB data. Top up £15+ to get 3000 O2 texts and 3000 O2 minutes, plus 200MB data. Includes discounted international calls from the UK starting at 1p/min. This is the Sim I have for my phone and ...

Transfer number%20rej

Hi I am a new customer to 02 and did the form to transfer number but got an email back saying it's rejected and I tried a second time but not heard nothing back does this mean it's gone through successful?

Resolved! Transfer number

Hi I am a new customer to 02 network I have just filled in the transfer number do I get a text to say I have filled the form out or do u only get a text when it's finished. also if your a pay as you go customer and it's meant to last for 30 days it w...

Resolved! Can make calls but cannot get data

Hi, I cannot use my o2 data but I can make calls. My phone is showing as I still have 5gb of data and I have 9 days remaining but it is never connecting. If I click on 02 - connect, it tries and then says it is not within range. Any advice would be a...

Pembo by Level 1: Joiner
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