on 21-08-2024 19:38
Hi why hasn't my data been rolled over from last month please...
I don't think its ever been rolled over to be honest and I've just been reading about the tariff/bundle I'm in and it saying it should be rolled over ....
on 21-08-2024 19:51
We have no way of telling here as we are all customers. Contact O2 on 4445 from your handset or
Guide: How to find help & contact O2
on 21-08-2024 20:10
Rules for rollover data as follows:
Data rollover is available on £10, £15, £20 and £30 data Big Bundles only. On your monthly renewal date you can carry forward up to 100% of your standard monthly data allowance (“Roll Over Data”) into the following month’s data bundle, subject to your total data bundle (Roll Over Data + standard monthly allowance) not exceeding 200% of your standard monthly data allowance at any one time. Any data that cannot be rolled over will expire. Roll Over Data will expire immediately if you fail to renew your Big Bundle on time or if you change tariffs.