Other Products and Services
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Other Products and Services board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Other Products and Services board! If you have a question about any O2 product or service that doesn't have it's own board such as O2 voicemail, insurance, roaming, etc then this is the board where you can ask questions to...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Claim back deposit

Hello O2 community, I had to pay a deposit to get a 2 years phone contract. Now, after 3 months of paying my bills, I want the deposit to be paid to my bank account. As it is almost impossible to call customer service at the moment due to the current...

Ann1812 by Level 1: Joiner
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How can I contact in regards to a bill if my outgoing calls and internet have been turned off

Jay7 by Level 1: Joiner
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Standard delivery

Hi, Your order detailsItem(s) ordered: 2 20**Personal info** StandardDelivery £0.00, but i, am still whaiting for this somoene can help me?

Edgaras by Level 1: Joiner
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Sign for Delivery

I have a parcel coming in Monday and it states in the email I will have to sign for it. Is this something I have to do with Covid-19 going about? Is there a way around this?

Telle by Level 1: Joiner
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Office 365 offer redemption

Apologies if I have posted in the wrong place or if I have missed the answers previously. I received 12 month office 365 with my new iPad but I am finding it almost impossible to redeem this offer as every site I seem to find is not the one required....

RA82 by Level 1: Joiner
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Referral Amazon Vouchers

Hi, I signed up with a new contract on O2 through the referral scheme, where the promise of £50 amazon vouchers for both parties was promised... over 90 days later and still received no vouchers, even though we have checked all the T&C's. Anyone else...

Drenno87 by Level 1: Joiner
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Undelivered order

Hi everyone,I need help about something. A few days ago, I have bought a Samsung tablet from O2s own web site. My delivery has been sent by DHL. DHL said that my delivery was left to my neighbour. When I asked my neighbour he said "I have just signed...

Fatiko by Level 1: Joiner
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