on 26-02-2024 13:58
on 26-02-2024 14:05
Standard rates
Making calls | £2/min |
Receiving calls | £2/min |
Sending texts | 50p/text |
Using data | £7.20/MB Also check this Guide: Roaming in Turkey and Cyprus |
on 26-02-2024 14:05
Standard rates
Making calls | £2/min |
Receiving calls | £2/min |
Sending texts | 50p/text |
Using data | £7.20/MB Also check this Guide: Roaming in Turkey and Cyprus |
26-02-2024 14:11 - edited 26-02-2024 14:12
26-02-2024 14:11 - edited 26-02-2024 14:12
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 14-10-2024 17:25
Be careful, Ive just realised I'm getting charged £6 per day in Turkey. I didnt opt for it. Plus because I didn't know this I paid 22.99 for a bolt on.
The prices are ridiculous. I dint know why we cant just use our data and the bolt on I elected to pay for.
on 14-10-2024 17:33
on 14-10-2024 17:33
@Max135 What made you think you could just use your data in Turkey?
It's not part of the EU. If you hadn't O2 travel you would have been paying a lot more than £6 per day. (See prices above)
Switch to Aeroplane mode and then enable WiFi and use WiFi hotspots and the likes of WhatsApp for calls .
Always worth doing your research before travelling