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Hello from not very sunny Sussex!

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I hope everyone is well. I feel as though I'm back in the dark ages - I've been in Sussex for 5 days and have been veering between GPRS and no service! Come on O2, it's really not good enough - I'm not far from Chichester for goodness sake so I expect decent service near a major city!

To add insult to injury I asked in the O2 store in Chichester if this or service was normal and was told that I should have full signal and 3G. After speaking to friends I've realised that this is a load of rubbish and O2 is consistently rubbish here! I'm glad I'm not buying a phone from him!

Other than that it's been nice to be away with my husband and the cat (yes, he comes as week!) - the weather could have been better but never mind!

(BTW this is posted from my iPad which has a 3 PAYG SIM!)
Message 1 of 9

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Glad you enjoyed your time away slight_smile

I find it strange that in 1969 we could speak to Neil Armstrong on the moon but lately I struggle to speak to someone in the next road....we call it evolution slight_frown

Message 2 of 9

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Hello Stranger.

Nice to hear from you. slight_smile
Message 3 of 9

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Exactly Jonsie! Maybe by the time we are ready to move here O2 might have 3G sorted out!

Thanks BoB. It's been a bad couple of months - it took me a lot longer than I expected
to get over my gallbladder op and then my mother in law was in hospital and was very poorly. Thankfully she seems to be on the mend now - they made them tough in those days!
Message 4 of 9

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good to hear from you & that your cat goes on holiday with you Cat Very Happy

sorry to hear you've been having a tough time privately

you've been in my thoughts then & now


Message 5 of 9

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Lovely to see you back Tracey. I hope you're feeling much better slight_smile
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Message 6 of 9

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Hey @Anonymous  Lovely to hear from you and am glad you are feeling a bit better.

A holiday with your cat? Never heard of that one....brilliant idea.

I have always thought the East Coast was the worse place in the UK for phone signal?

Friends of mine have a caravan in Cromer and they may as well leave their mobile phones at home Smiley Frustrated

They never get a signal anywhere near the caravan and if they want to make a call ...or pick up texts etc they have to take a trek to the top of the nearest cliff....

In this day and age I think that is really appalling Smiley Mad

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 9

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Thanks Toby, I'm getting there slowly. The consultant told me I could have pain for another 2-3 months so I'm getting used to it! Funnily enough he didn't tell me that BEFORE the operation! I did get to see the photos of the op which was quite interesting!

Jane, I hope you and Marty are doing ok, I've been thinking about you both.

Cleoriff, we are staying at my mother in law's holiday cottage (not as quaint as it sounds!) so we bring the furry reprobate with us. We don't have anyone to look after him if we go away so we save the cat sitter fees for when we go somewhere we can't take him!

I remember going to Cornwall a few years ago and the holiday agency would deliver messages as the only mobile network there was Orange! I just feel that Sussex has been left behind as even Cornwall had improved when we went back!
Message 8 of 9

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Great to see you back, Tracey! Glad to hear you're recovering slight_smile

Message 9 of 9