on 23-12-2012 22:08
on 23-12-2012 22:08
so.. in order to have "nice" ( meaning respectful and non weird in family terms) hair for Christmas, i stripped all my violet/purple dye from my hair back my my original blonde.. well, guess who looks the wierdo! i regret conforming now!!!
what has been your beauty fails? blonde hair gone green in the swimming pool? fake tan fails? kinda hoping im not the only one here.... XD
on 23-12-2012 22:19
So either you've got a pretty poor camera or you've gone overboard with the Instagram filters
on 23-12-2012 22:22
on 23-12-2012 22:22
on 23-12-2012 22:25
poor camera babe, and i used piZap to put them together...
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and ouch!! i deleted instagram. hipster *bleep* did my head in, i use aviary for my 50s pin up look, thats it x
on 23-12-2012 22:57
on 23-12-2012 22:57
It's difficult to get good photographs from the digital camera on a mobile telephone. You need plenty light and a steady focus really.
on 23-12-2012 23:03
true, and i had neither, i dont look that terrible lol! XD
on 24-12-2012 00:06
In my yoof I had long hair - as in I could sit on it- and I used to bleach it white and bung food colouring it "to fit my mood". I also used to have it pulled back in a pony-tail - which I nicknamed "ponky" for some reason. Now I'm as bald a coot...
...but I'm still pretty
(What's really weird is that what's left of my hair is still roughly my normal colour but my beard is completely white. I used to have a full beard - now I daren't cos I look a lot younger than my real age until I don't shave and then I look like Miss Daisy's grandpa if he'd spent three years living in a dustbin.)
on 24-12-2012 00:10
Of course you are, this made my evening!! XD xx
on 24-12-2012 01:24
on 24-12-2012 01:24
Fails? I'm in
When I went to the Green Day concert in Cologne on 5th october 2009, I dyed my hair black some days before... Then I let it wash out. In January it weren't visible anymore (I have darkblonde-reddish-brown normally... ya know, this kind of color where's no name for). So I thought "ok, dye it in an awesome shiny red". Done...
The black wasn't washed out, it just weren't visible, so the hairline was red and the rest was black. Just one day before we had all the family here for my mother's 50th birthday.
(After a while we all found it looked good. But first it was a shock ^^)