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o2 exclusivity deals

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i would like to express my opinion on the relatively recent phenomenon of handsets being exclusive to networks, do o2 really think everyone wants an iphone?

the original iphone product was more of a fail than windows vista, im sure o2 got great sales figures but can you imagine being one of those fools who got duped into an overpriced long contract just because it was an exclusive apple product. only to find that apple themselves soon realise their errors and release newer versions of the iphone to rectify their previous mistakes. i ask you the question when was the last time Nokia or Sony Ericsson released a premium high end device without some of the basic features one would expect on said multimedia device?

ok so they released a 3g version but that doesnt help the poor sods who are in a 24 month contract and more fool them if they decide to get another iphone, because ifaik without jailbreaking it cant even run flash or java in safari. i apologise im straying from my point im not here just to slag the iphone,

my problem is how it affects other customers we are in a golden age of technology right now these handheld devices we call mobile are really growing in capability's and i feel that o2 are holding out on us by just trying too hard to sell us the iphone soon the palm pre too,

it all started with the kerfuffle over n96 then their decision not to stock the n97 i also asked recently about the htc hero doesn't look like thats coming either, this annoys me i spend 100s of pounds a month with o2 and i expect a decent level of choice when it comes to my devices and my connectivity options this leads me to my next gripe why do o2 feel the need to limit certain applications on handsets i recently got an xperia x1 on one of my contracts i have with o2, when you buy a vanilla version from SE it comes preinstalled with google maps but because of the o2 firmware it will not install at all another thing what gives them the right to limit assess to things like bbc iplayer when iphone users can stream video ?

needless to say that o2 firmware didnt last long on the handset 5 mins after loling at the limitations i removed them and installed the latest windows mobile 6.5 the proceeded to set up the Internet to proxy thru my dedicated server so i can access the whole Internet

i also understand that bandwidth costs money. its not as if i want to hack these things i would be more than happy to pay a premium for fast unlimited internet access on my mobile device just as a pay the bandwidth on my server per gb and my home line unlimited

in my opinion its all about choice, choice of handset, choice of services, and even tho ive been a loyal customer of o2 for years i feel the are cornering me into using the iphone or choosing another provider surely this isn't what o2 want , its not what i want having to move all my contracts over would be a pain as would paying two providers. maybe o2 have gained enough customers from the iphone they don't need customers like me any more? im not sure
are there any other customers who feel like me ?

what are your views ?
Message 1 of 6

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I don't really see a problem. o2 and other service providers are in the business to make money.

The iPhone generates a lot of sales. Global handset sales are falling and the iPhone uptake is increasing.

Of course as a customer there's less choice of handset now and the high-end ones are less affordable, also o2 now rarely, if ever, give retention deals. So I can see why you'd feel aggrieved.

However, we're all at liberty to peruse the offers available with other providers, it's not as if o2 have a monopoly. Obvious this can only be done between minimum terms. However, there's always the option of 30-day Simplicity and just buying the phone you want on o2 PAYG or SIM free, if you have the cash up front.

At least o2 aren't doing 3 year contracts like Orange - can you imagine being tied to a deal for that long?

I agree with you regarding the o2 firmwares though. I had an SE w760i which was supposed to have location software / Google Maps etc. I've never understood why they cripple their phones this way.

Message 2 of 6

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The Google Maps thing is easy to answer. It uses data the whole time it is running so O2 will be looking to limit how much they have to send OTA.

I wholeheartedly agree with the OP about O2, the iPhone and the limited choice of "new" handsets that they're going with. It's plain to anyone with more than a passing interest that O2 aren't chasing decent new handsets because of the exclusive deal with Apple. Roll on October when it expires. slight_smile

I require Windows Mobile because my work's stock application runs on it. O2 used to be THE network for WinMo in the UK with their XDA range. The range is now reduced to 2 mediocre handsets and no apparent plans to continue using rebranded HTC phones. Before anyone mentions the Xperia X1, I had one. It had to be returned 4 times for cracks in the casing. Eventually I caved in, got it replaced on insurance (to make sure it was a new handset) and sold it on eBay to get my wifes HTC Magic.

Android is starting to gain momentum in the market, and while O2 is coming up with the Samsung Galaxy (i7500) in the next few weeks, it is the HTC Hero that is the yardstick by which other handsets are measured. Orange have it. T-Mobile have it. Vodafone have the HTC Magic which is also a very nice phone indeed. My point is that the other networks are at least providing a selection of handsets. O2 seem to be stagnating and providing feature phone after feature phone... no true smartphones.

I'm locked with O2 until next July on one contract, but my other contract comes up for renewal next month. Right now I'm thinking of my own exclusive deal. I'm excluding O2 from my consideration and probably going with Vodafone for a HTC Touch Pro 2 (another phone O2 won't stock).
Message 3 of 6

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I don't personally have a problem. In my opinion you pays yer money and takes yer choice. If o2 doesn't have a handset that appeals to you you go elsewhere. Depending on when the Galaxy comes out i way go elsewhere, my choice. I don't believe iphone users were duped at all, costs were apparent up front, and there was ALWAYS going to be a new handset during the contract period. Heck plenty of new nokias have come along during my contract on an n78 but i can't always have the latest and greatest. It's a free market, you can go onto sim only and buy whatever handset you fancy, or go via cpw for a wider choice. Or you can go to whatever network gives you what you want.
Message 4 of 6

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I do however agree with you about o2 removing certain apps. I was annoyed when the sat nav program on the c702 was removed, along with google maps. Installing google maps myself didn't work as it wouldn't use the gps. So the phone went back. Strangely i can use google maps no problem on my n78. I'm hopefully getting the galaxy this week (come on o2) and with android being nice and open source i can install whatever the heck i want!
Message 5 of 6

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I agree with the posts saying 'Dont like it, move on' but I think what people are moaning about is that they dont want to leave O2 after being with them for 'X' amount of time..

My contract isnt finished for a while yet but when it is my time I really hope it isnt a case of 'iPhone or leave' because I like the network, the CS etc... until recently O2 wasnt just the 'iPhone network', it actually competed for other customers, who I think mostly want to stay.
Message 6 of 6