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WHITE Iphone 4??

Not applicable

Does anybody know if the o2 stores will have stocks of both Black and White Iphone 4 or will it just be a case of this is what we have take it or leave it?

If given the choice I'd prefer the White version but I saw that they were not available on the Apple website recently.

Do you think we will be able to back order one?

Message 1 of 27

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Im in the same boat. I shall be one of those so called "sad' people who will be queuing outside my nearest o2 store at the early hours of the morning.

I would advise you to contact the o2 store you plan on visiting on, best to do so on wednesday, preferably just before they close. At that time, they should have some idea as to what stock they will be selling on release day (thursday).
Message 2 of 27

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Yeah you're right I think I may have to ring up the night before although I'm not holding my breath for a helpful response!

My local store is only small and if rumours of limited stock is true I think I may be out of luck on launch day.I wont be too down if I don't get one straight away but if they tell me White versions are not available for months then I'll be peed off! lol I just like white! grin
Message 3 of 27

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I don't really get the rush to get one on launch day anyway... To put it bluntly, what's to say that the phone isn't a piece of crap? It hasn't been properly reviewed yet and there are no customer reviews (the most reliable type IMO) to go by.

Look at the HTC EVO 4G... People rushed out to get that on launch day and the screens kept falling off... Personally I'll be waiting a good month or so to see if the iPhone 4 is actually any good - even then I'll be keeping an eye on the Android handsets as you can guarantee that in a few months there will be an iPhone 4 beater - all they need to be able to do that is make a handset with the same screen. They already beat the iPhone with just about everything else.
Message 4 of 27

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Ok, so I just went to my local o2 store as I was in the area. What a waste of time!

I asked the man in the shop:

"Will you know on wednesday evening, if you will have any white 32GB iphone 4 to sell on thursday morning at 8:02" to which he replied..

"I dont know".

I then said. " So I may be at the front of the line on launch day at 8:02 only to be told there are no White ones in stock" and he replied...

"I dont know".
Message 5 of 27

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Haha yep that's pretty much the same response I got when I rang them last week.

To be fair the staff are probably being kept in the dark so they don't blurt anything out on Facebook or Twitter etc.

It is a pretty poor ordering system this year.I remember when I upgraded to the 3gs,I simply rang o2 telesales and told them I wanted it and they upgraded my contract there and then and told me the £89 charge for the phone would be on my next bill and I received the 3gs phone the next day! How times have changed... :womanindifferent:
Message 6 of 27

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"I dont know".

Have you considered the remote possibility that he, just like everyone else in the store, really doesn't know?

I mean, that might be it. But hell, I don't know.
Message 7 of 27

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Does anybody know if the o2 stores will have stocks of both Black and White Iphone 4 or will it just be a case of this is what we have take it or leave it?
If given the choice I'd prefer the White version but I saw that they were not available on the Apple website recently.
Do you think we will be able to back order one?

It has been known since the launch was announced that NO white iphones will be available until at least the end of July. It is plastered all over the Apple and o2 site. So you will be wasting your time on Thursday f you only want white.
Message 8 of 27

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Just been checking o2 twitter and somebody has asked if White Iphones will be instock on Thursday.
o2 replied - "White iPhones won't be available at launch I'm afraid."

That's rubbish! Why announce it in two colours if only one is available! Smiley Mad
Message 9 of 27

Not applicable
Just been checking o2 twitter and somebody has asked if White Iphones will be instock on Thursday.
o2 replied - "White iPhones won't be available at launch I'm afraid."
That's rubbish! Why announce it in two colours if only one is available! Smiley Mad

because they cant make enough ....quite a simple reason
Message 10 of 27