on 18-03-2025 15:56
Recently got a second hand unlocked Doro 6820 phone to replace my 3G Doro model. I keep getting the voicemail notification appearing at the top of startup page. I have checked and there were no voicemail messages. Tried switching voicemail on and off again. Tried doing factory reset. Switched voicemail back on, dialled from another number, left message then listened to message and deleted it. Still got icon showing voicemail message at top. Also done software update. Switched voicemail off now as I never use it.
Help please! ( My husband has same model phone and never had this happening)
18-03-2025 16:36 - edited 18-03-2025 16:36
18-03-2025 16:36 - edited 18-03-2025 16:36
Try the following: Send yourself a Voicemail; listen to it then follow the instructions to delete.
That usually clears things
Guide: All you need to know about O2 Voicemail 901
on 18-03-2025 16:42
@Mcc2 wrote:dialled from another number, left message then listened to message and deleted it.