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New order

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Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post (apologies if it's not).

I ordered the iPhone 7 plus last night (new customer) on a refresh plan. I've received loads of emails with terms and conditions, order confirmation an email stating it should be ready for pick up from my local store on 14th October, there is a collection reference too. The upfront payment has also come out of my bank.

There's a link in the email to track progress via MyO2, however when I go there it states "you don't have any products or services in this MyO2 account".

Just want to check that all is well with the order? I'm a bit paranoid with phone orders at the moment as I've taken this contract so I can leave three, who have royally screwed up my upgrade and lied every step of the way about delivery date.

Just hoping things go more smoothly with O2.

Message 1 of 4

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Hi @Londonchelle85

I've done the same, the main difference here is I've preordered on the 9th, and just got my phone today grin I'm very happy tbh.

Your order will only appear on your account once the device is dispatched and it will show up on your orders, I've been there slight_smile

At least in my area and commuting O2 signal is far better than Three, there's no comparison.

I find out that Three 4G was faster than O2 4G but I can live with that, it's not a big letdown because it really works well.

The other thing I really like about O2 is the refresh scheme, even if you don't want to upgrade on them, you have much more flexibility and you can make one off payments to reduce your phone credit agreement anytime, means next year you can have you phone paid and skip returning it to O2 (if you need a spare phone or just to give to someone else, or even sell outside).




Message 3 of 4

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Most iPhone 7+ are back ordered to November on o2 probably should have dodged them TBH.
Message 2 of 4

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Hi @Londonchelle85

I've done the same, the main difference here is I've preordered on the 9th, and just got my phone today grin I'm very happy tbh.

Your order will only appear on your account once the device is dispatched and it will show up on your orders, I've been there slight_smile

At least in my area and commuting O2 signal is far better than Three, there's no comparison.

I find out that Three 4G was faster than O2 4G but I can live with that, it's not a big letdown because it really works well.

The other thing I really like about O2 is the refresh scheme, even if you don't want to upgrade on them, you have much more flexibility and you can make one off payments to reduce your phone credit agreement anytime, means next year you can have you phone paid and skip returning it to O2 (if you need a spare phone or just to give to someone else, or even sell outside).




Message 3 of 4

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Thanks for the replies. @Anonymous I know of the issues with the 7+ but three guaranteed me delivery on 30, then kept being delayed. The customer services are rude and lied to me about my order, then had the audacity to call me a liar. Even if the phone is delayed, I can't deal with three anymore, considering how much I'm paying them. I upgraded with them to a 4gb contract which works out the same cost as O2's 20gb deal. Not saying O2 are great cos I can't judge yet, just fed up being fobbed off with three.

@Anonymous thanks for sharing your experience, glad to see your signal is better, that was another slight issue with three. It worked everywhere but in my flat. Their three in touch app was useless too. The upgrades are a big draw... I confess I love Apple products and always feel a tad annoyed when the new ones come out and I'm still in the middle of my contract.

Here's hoping it all goes smoothly!
Message 4 of 4