on 29-03-2024 11:21
I have been an O2 pay as you go customer for quite some and recently I decided to upgrade my phone and take out a monthly contract. While doing my research and chatting to staff via the online portal/chats, i quite happy to hear, that I could keep my old number and not have to go through the painful process of getting a new number and updating all my accounts etc with new information. Great news!!!
Once i got the phone and set it up, I contacted the customer service portal and requested that they implement the number change (keeping my old number for the new monthly contract). Sounds pretty straightforward. I was told the process would take 24 hours. I asked for this on the 23rd of March.
As of today the 29th of March, O2 has not implemented my request. Going further they then removed my old pay as you go number from my account (this is the number I wanted to keep). Now after spending countless hours trying to get this matter resolved, I am no closer to my goal. The agent I chatted with said he would "elevate the issue" to the appropriate team and that I would get a response within 5 - 10 working days. Is this normal?
on 29-03-2024 11:36
on 29-03-2024 11:36
Yes, if they have to pass it to the IT team to fix, as your call goes into a queue for them to resolve..
You need to call up and not use the live chat options if you have been doing..
on 29-03-2024 12:10
Porting and migration problems seem to be very prevailant with all networks at the moment though I do believe O2 must be the worst of the lot
Only my opinion going off the number of similar issues here on the community, some of which have been horrendous and still dragging on after a number of months
on 29-03-2024 12:23
If this is a persistent problem, why doesn't the corporate office of O2 actively try and resolve this issue?
on 29-03-2024 12:23
Now you're just being sensible........
on 29-03-2024 12:35
At the moment it's pot luck getting through to an adviser who actually acknowledges the problem and knows how to resolve it
Once upon a time customer service agents would receive a daily bulletin via email with issues and how to resolve them
It was the duty of advisers to read the said email before logging on each day
Not sure just how many advisers today can read and write. Most don't leave any notes on the account....