Hi All my current experience with O2:
I would just like to express my frustration with O2 services as my bill is overdue and i cannot pay it by any means whatsoever:
1-my Phone has an outgoing Call ban even to the customer service number
2-the 24hour payment line closes at 20:00 weekdays (how can they claim 24H this is definately false information???)
3-the online payment does not work
4-i cannot view my bill online as clicking the link brings me back to my O2 home page.
5-ringing the payment line from another phone during the office hours failed on the payment twice!!!
6-i hadto start using another phone as this one is no use until the bill is paid and i cant pay it by any means? so i am officially paying for two phones!!!
7-24hours online customer support is an FAQ and should be re-named accordingly!!!
8- the email us section does not work as when i click submit it returns to the
your details screen and the 1500 character limit is rubbish
this is now getting very upsetting for me
I have never experienced such a rubbish service i have alway been on Orange network and their customer support is fantastic and 24hours as it should be on top the payment line is automated and 24hours and bills can be viewed and paid online without problems.
This is completely atrocious and i give anything to know how do i pay my
outstanding balance on the bill the phone has now been in my drawer at home for over a month and i want to stop receiving letters reminding me to pay
i really hope the 18 months of the contract are quickly over so that i can revert to a better Service provider!!!
my fault for wanting an IPHONE
:robotmad: :robotmad: :robotmad: :robotsad: :robotsad: :robotsad:
whats your experience like?