on 29-05-2024 14:14
Hi there I've just recently come in to contact with these people and I wanted to see what they were about and from reading what I've seen on here I'm a bit concerned is there a way to change back ?
on 29-05-2024 14:44
on 29-05-2024 14:44
@Catherine73 It probably depends on how long ago is 'recently'. Aerial Direct is one of O2's so-called 'trusted partners' but they have a very poor reputation. You've most likely been put on a business contract which you may not have wanted or needed. Normally there's a two week change of mind period, but I'm not sure if it applies to business contracts or if Aerial would even play ball. Sorry to say, but you're probably stuck with them for the duration of your contract. If someone else has other advice I'm sure they'll post here.
on 29-05-2024 20:54
That is about the long and the short of it, @Bambino - you have no change of mind period on those Business Contracts sold by Aerial or any of a dozen or more other so-called "trusted partners" of O2, @Catherine73 - more of their ilke here: https://www.o2.co.uk/business/contact-us/partners#1