on 30-12-2014 18:03
Today, whilst down in Brighton, a similar thing happened to my iPhone 6 (similar to the 4G issue I posted about, whilst up in London).
I was sitting in a diner in a shopping centre, and trying to post a message on a social media site. My iPhone 6 showed 3 dots of signal and also showed the 3G icon (4G was ALSO toggled on, in the settings). It took absolutely ages for my phone to connect, so much so, that I gave up trying to do what I wanted to do!
I then remembered that @Anonymous had previously suggested that I turn my 4G switch, to off, so I tried that, and low and behold, my phone connected straight away?!?
This kinda suggests that even when 4G was not available in that area, as long as I had the 4G toggled ON, my phone would constantly search for the 4G signal and NOT connect (which is exactly what was happening), because as soon as I turned 4G OFF, it connected straight away?!
Is this correct? It kinda looks like that when the iPhone is searching for a 4G signal, it blocks the 3G one, until it is able to actually lock on to the 4G one?!
on 30-12-2014 18:06
on 30-12-2014 18:17
on 30-12-2014 18:17
on 30-12-2014 18:19
on 30-12-2014 18:19
on 30-12-2014 18:24
on 30-12-2014 18:33
on 30-12-2014 18:33
on 30-12-2014 18:35
@gemz4the1 wrote:Thanks for this info @DinoF
I'll have to give this a go next time my 4G signal is poor
I do the same when visiting my daughter Gemz as 4G is not too strong in her area so turning off 4G helps to keep the iPhone pushed onto 3G. And saves battery juice as the phone is working overtime to keep connection imo.
on 30-12-2014 20:02