on 30-09-2012 14:45
Hey guys,
Leonard and I thought it might be nice to include an update every week on the community of new gadget and technology news.
There are lots of places to find out this info and I was wondering if any if you lovely lot had any sites that you use regularly that are very informative?
Such as techradar, t3, gizmodo etc.
That way we can have a wider variety and include all the great news from around the world
So, where do you find out the latest goings-on?
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on 30-09-2012 15:28
Engadget is a particular favourite of mine as it's not as biased as bgr.com (wants to be Apple's lovechild and the knife in RIM's back) and quite ranging. The Verge is an offshoot of that but not so easy on the eye for my liking. Can't fault The Daily Geek over at the interweb cat site for bizarre yet cool stuff. Oh and of course The Register for a sarcastic view of things related to all things IT (or not!).
on 30-09-2012 16:12
on 30-09-2012 16:12
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on 01-10-2012 08:05
I use the following:
In my opinion though, Macrumors takes some beating.
on 01-10-2012 11:23
on 01-10-2012 11:23
on 01-10-2012 14:29
on 01-10-2012 14:29
Slashdot must be one of the most annoying sites ever though its more of a commentary site about tech news than an outright tech newsite. Highly aggravating comments section (click to read a post of a reply then a reply to that post, click again!!!!) full of self-important know-it-all-and-you-are-always-wrong. Don't get me wrong, I do on occasion read the site but it goes off into tangents and I'm not sure half of them actually know anything more than doing a google for it. Sigh, it hasn't changed in the last 15 years either.
BTW, add to the list AnandTech. A very high quality review site that really does go into depth about the product.
on 01-10-2012 15:21
on 01-10-2012 15:21
on 02-10-2012 09:50
on 02-10-2012 09:50
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on 06-10-2012 00:28
on 06-10-2012 00:28
on 13-10-2012 12:36
on 13-10-2012 12:36