on 22-04-2013 11:28
on 22-04-2013 11:28
I am enquiring about support for Websockets. I have been working on a small project using HTML 5 and Websockets, however when testing my Web App over mobile networks the headers get changed rendering the App unresponsive. I can only assume this is to do with Proxy/Nat exchange from the mobile network to the Internet.
If anyone is requiring which headers get changed it is the following:
Connection should be Connection: Upgrade however it is changed to Connection: Keep-Alive.
There is also no Upgrade: websocket header at all.
Testing over wifi on local network and remote network works as it should on the same browser.
I would appreciate assistance with this matter or if anyone knows of a work around to let me know. This is a great piece of technology and would be a waste if it was ruined by something like this.
I hope that makes sense and my spelling isn't too bad.