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Forum Posts

Community platform bugs, issues and suggestions

Hey everyone, This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
  • 213 replies
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Guide Updates

GUIDE UPDATESRecent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary. So I'll start it off. The first gui...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
  • 45 replies
  • 6 kudos

Best mobile for a very weak signal

I live in an area where O2 has such a weak signal my phone can only be used indoors on very rare occasions. It I pick it up it loses the signal. To use it for voice calls, or confirmatory text messages or replying to texts I have to put outdoor cloth...

NoSignal by Level 1: Joiner
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Live chat

I am hard of hearing,and cant hear when i call people , live chat is the only way i can speak to o2 can anyone please tell me if the live chat will be working soon ? Thanks

Catherine by Level 1: Joiner
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2 day refund. Homless

Can I gift my 2 day refund to a homeless charity? Works out about 87p. If we all did this, we could raise thousands for this good cause all over the country.

o2 4g with no data

In my local town (Hanley - Stoke-on-Trent) - I find that 4g 90% of the time is unsable and i stuggle to even send a whatsapp, web browsing is a no no. Running the 02 my network app shows the following.If i reboot the phone, toggle between airplane mo...

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xtruss by Level 3: Thinker
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I had this today. Phone up o2 & get a bar done on all direct bill account. That’s will stop it happened agine & get them to confirm by email or text & it’s work so far for me.Lasevia telephone number is 03300538806Or email them on administration@lase...

Book4you by Level 1: Joiner
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  • 1 kudos

Network issues 6th December 2018

Very disappointed with network issues yesterday. Drove 180 miles to an unfamiliar place for a funeral adding to the stress of the day, could not call my family and no Google maps. Made a horrible day even worse! First ever complaint after 10 years cu...

Network2 by Level 1: Joiner
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What are kudos anyone thanks

Lirna by Level 2: Apprentice
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